Wednesday, April 29, 2015

2014 IQF Class

While attending the Houston International Quilt Festival in Oct/Nov, 2014, I took a class called "Painting with a Twist & Shout".   The class was taught by Leslie Tucker Jenison and Jamie Fingal.    Leslie and Jamie are wonderful and just believe that art should be fun.  We painted on four long canvases, while listening to upbeat music.  Then we cut it all up and played all afternoon.

First, we covered the canvas with colorful, original drawings.  We painted on one in groups of five or so and then we switched tables until we had painted on each canvas.

Then we added just white paint on each.

Then we added just black paint on each.

We took a two hour lunch and when we returned, the canvas was dry and had been cut up into large rectangles.  They were face down on the table, so we could choose two at random.  Now it was time to play.  We were each given a journal to cover, postcards, tags and slides. 
This is my journal and postcard. 

Leslie and Jamie were hard to catch standing still, but I got a couple of pictures.
Jamie Fingal

Leslie Tucker Jenison

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