Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Using Up My Fabric Scraps

                                                          Lap Quilt 48" x 48"

I really love fabric and have way too much of it. My recent goal has been to make a quilt and use up the scraps in another quilt right away. In this case, the mystery quilt from my last post was the first. The 48" x 48" lap quilt came next and then the 24" x 24" doll quilt. The golden brown fabric was part of the grouping, but it is on the back of the mystery quilt. I can truly say that there is nothing left of this fabric. Ok, maybe a few crumbs. It felt so good, I have continued with this little adventure in another set of quilts. I will share them with you at a later time. One is about to go to the LAQ and the other is a quilt as you go that is still a WIP.

                                                                 Doll Quilt 24" x 24"

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