Monday, November 29, 2010

Giveaway Winner Announced

It's finally here.   The day I get to announce the Winner of  My First Giveaway. 

Drum Roll//////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

The winning number was picked from this hat by DGS.

#12  MyDearJaneJourney is the winner.  She will receive an email from me today.

Congratulation !!!!!!  WooHoo!!!!!  Confetti falls and the crowd goes wild!!!

Thanks to everyone that left comments and became followers.  I plan a giveaway every three months.  I promise to make the next one bigger and better.  Please check back often.  I was told by Administrator of Quilting Board that I can not say the word giveaway, so I will not be able to remind you of my next one.

I hope those of you that celebrate Thanksgiving, had a wonderful holiday filled with all the things that make you happy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

First Giveaway - CLOSED

I am new to blog land, but I have noticed that other bloggers have Giveaways.  What a great idea!  I plan to have a giveaway once a quarter or every three month.

So, on November 29th, I will give the quilt pattern pictured below to a lucky winner.  All you have to do to enter, is leave a comment on any of my blog entries. ( One comment limit per blog entry, please)  If you are a follower, you earn an extra entry.  Make sure your email address is on your comment or there is a link to your email.  I will only send you an email if you are the winner.

Deadline for entries is November 28th at midnight.

WooHoo!!!  Let's get this started.  Good Luck to each of you.

A paper pieced quilt pattern called "Be Colourful Blooming Tale by Jacqueline de Jonge"

Moon Dance Quilt

Sometimes I just need to sew.  I don't want to figure or think hard, just sew, mindlessly.  This is the perfect quilt pattern for that.  An added bonus is, I get to dive into my container of scraps.

If you want this pattern, it is by Lyn Brown.  She has graciously made the pattern available on her blog.  You can go to MoonDance Swap Quilt to download a pdf of this pattern.  She, also, has a picture of this quilt in Batiks.  We are playing strip poker with Batiks at our next retreat.  Hmmm, sounds like a plan.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Houston International Quilt Show

WoooHooo, It is finally here.  I have my ticket for Wednesday Premiere Night and all day Friday.  The Ladies and Gents from are wearing friendship blocks and/or Selvedge with dots.  I hope to see some of the members in person that I have messaged and exchanged squares and blocks with.

I attended Premiere Night and shopped for five hours.  Note to self, most of cash left with vendors at show, go to bank before Friday.  Haven't even looked at Quilts.  They don't go anywhere, but the vendor merchandise does.

I won the wonderful book below at the free raffle by Make It University.  My name was even picked by Pokey Bolton of Quilting Arts.  I watch her show every Saturday on our PBS channel.  I can't wait to try out some of the fabulous ideas for making an art journal quilt.  As a winner, I was asked to sign the Graffiti Wall.  What a Hoot so far!!!

These are the two ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) that I will trade (Friday)  on the wall near Make It University.  You can trade one for one, ATCs, Small Quilts, Inches and Art jewelry.

Mine are fused cloth, seed stitched, buttons and three colors of ribbon whipped around edges.